Unraid Delete Share

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  • When the share is empty, go to the shares tab and you click the share and they'll be at the bottom a 'delete' checkbox Doing via Krusader should have worked. Delete the shareName from /UNRAID/user/shareName Alternatively, from the command line.
  • Unraid can store digital media like videos, photos, music, and movies. In the Unraid device, you can build an array of hard drives. You can share the data from those drives across the local network. Unraid keeps all the data on the drives securely. In the Unraid system, you have control over your storage.
  • Unassigned Devices is used to mount and share non-array disks, remote SMB/ NFS shares, and iso files and it is compatible with any Unraid 6 release. You can also mount a UNC share on another system (SMB or NFS) and have it show in Unraid shares when browsing with Windows. This is called a Remote Share Mount.
  • Here is what my default unRAID web GUI looks like I've got seven drives. Data drives 1-5, a parity drive, and a cache drive. I'm going to pretend that disk3 (located from the shell at /mnt/disk3) is the drive I want to remove. For my setup, I've got all my files located in user shares (from the shell /mnt/user.
Since the latest unRAID update introduced the /mnt/users/docker share, my Docker files seem to be all over the place. I have some there and some in an /appdata share which seems to have scattered them on across the cache and the array.
I wanted to update all my Dockers to use the new /docker share and this is what I needed to do.

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It turns out it's not just a matter of updating the AppData Config Path field for each docker - it doesn't seem possible to do that for an installed Docker, (changes don't stick). Instead, it's necessary to go through the worrying process of removing the Docker and reinstalling it!
Here's the steps I followed;Unraid Delete Share
0. Ensure the Community Applications plug-in is installed

Unraid Delete Share Iphone

1. Backup all Appdata contents
2. Stop Docker
3. Set Docker Storage location to /mnt/user/docker
Clear4. Set Default Appdata storage location to /mnt/user/docker/appdataUnraid delete share iphone
5. Start Docker but stop any containers whose config path you need to change.

Unraid File Explorer

6. Copy the existing contents from /mnt/user/appdata/ to /mnt/user/docker/appdata/
7. Delete the old/soon to be redundant /mnt/user/appdata/. (I also removed the share as I wouldn't need it anymore)
8. One by one, on each docker to be reset, click the remove menu option and confirm that you want to remove the image as wellHow to remove dll fileDelete
9. Go to Community Applications, click on the 'previous apps' button, find the docker you just removed and click the reinstall button
10. In the template screen, enter the correct appdata path (usually under 'advanced settings')
11. Apply. Rinse & repeat for each container
When the containers restart, they should all now be pointing to the /docker share.
One interesting nugget I've picked up over the past while - unless files are in the appdata folder, they don't survive even simple container updates. For example, I like nano as my text editor but any update of my Apache or any other container requires me to re-install it again.
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