One Man One Screw Driver

One Man One Screw Driver Rating: 7,6/10 5891 reviews
One Man One Screw Driver

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Similar to 1 guy 1 jar but 20 times more horrible. It involves the same guy from 1 guy 1 jar. In this video, he takes a screwdriver out of his penile organ. The horror doesn't stop there; he then pinches his penis and blood spurts everywhere like a really fucked up fruit gusher. Extremely nasty; you'll never look at your own dick the same way again if you watch it. My advice; don't watch it.
Person 1: Hey man, check out this video called 1 guy 1 screwdriver?
Person 2: Does it involve blood? If it does, I don't even wanna see it.
Person 1: You'll find out if you watch it.
*watches 1 guy 1 screwdriver*
Person 2: I'm gonna go comfort the trauma my dick went through while watching that video; thanks.
One man one screwdriver real videoOne

Two Kids One Sandbox

by Runt18 January 29, 2018
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One Man One Screwdriver Video

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The most horrific video out there. Involves a man, supposedly the same man from 1 guy 1 jar pulling a screwdriver out of his penile organ (and/or penis hole). The terror does not stop there. He then squeezes his penis and blood squirts all over the place. ALL. OVER. THE PLACE.
Scott: Hellolo! Did you see that amazing video, 1 Guy 1 Screwdriver?
Joe: No sir! What is it?
Scott: Let's watch!
(Goes to watch it)

One Man One Screwdriver Original Video Youtube

Get the 1 Guy 1 Screwdriver neck gaiter and mug.

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